Objectifying Women in Beer Advertisements


For many years, the beer industry have been sexually objectifying women in their advertisements using women`s body as a way to lure men to purchase the specific brand of beer. The beer industry`s advertisements have created it to be a male dominated environment, revolving around partially naked women, having sex and getting intoxicated. Although it has not been proven that men purchase beer because of these sexualized ads they continue to degrade women.

The ways they advertise in my opinion is disgusting and downgrading to women, take a close look at the photos below. Women are in the arms of a man, dressed down to only a bikini, body painted to look like the beer bottles and covering the women`s breasts and private part with beer bottle caps only. They use women`s body as an object in the hands of men, men are seen as more powerful and masculine. Masculinity plays a big role in these ads, they create an image for men; this is the way you are supposed to look like, and you will have these attractive young women when drinking this beer! The industry`s show the bodies of men and women only in a good light where men are muscular and women are thin and fit showing off their bodies which contradicts the product since beer is unhealthy, really high in calories, and gives you a beer belly. Even when beer companies started making the `light` choice with less calories, they used fit skinny attractive girls to advertise by using their bodies and painting them like the beer bottle. By showing these attractive thin women in the `light` version, it advertises that even when you drink this beer, you can still have a nice body. They use this sexual image to grasp the attention of men and getting a man`s hope to have women like the ones in the advertisements.

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Not only in pictures do they objectify women but in most commercials as well. Take a look at this commercial by `Bavaria`;


In this commercial, the Bavaria Company uses the beer bottle as an object to control the women, using her as an object as well. Whatever the man does with the beer bottle the women imitates going back to the man being in power. These types of industry`s are giving the message to men that they are in power, they are in control, they can dominate, if they have this beer.

If we have a look at this commercial by `Thirsty for Beer`


This commercial is showing men, when they are thirsty to keep drinking. The more you drink the better outcome. Which in this case he kept drinking, the more he drank the closer the sound of the women was by the time he drank all the beers a young attractive women approached him sexually while wearing almost nothing. These types of advertisements in the media are a big impact on society; they portray a sexual image for both men and women to admire.  They are not just objectifying women but making every women feel worthless and under control of a man.


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